A Rural House by Azam Rasouli

This photo was captured in the Rural Heritage Museum of Gilan Province in Iran. The houses were built in the style of special architecture in the region. Sorena, the boy laughing from behind the window, was enjoying the sight of the house and overwhelmed with joy. And I captured this beautiful photo at that special moment.

Photo of the day 23022021 1n

Samsung SM.G930F | Exposure f/1.7 @ 1/50sec | ISO 80 | Focal length 4mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
June 23, 2021



Value 13
Clarity 13
Composition 18
Style 13
Skill 12

Award Category
Portrait Photography

Photograph Location
Gilan, Iran

Azam Rasouli was born in Tehran, Iran in 1976. She has MA in social work, is married and has two children, one girl and one boy. She started photography in 2019 with Nikon D3200. She currently shooting with Nikon D7200. She has two lenses. 18-300mm and 50mm. She is interested in Sill Life, Nature, and Portrait photography.

Current Location
Tehran, Iran


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