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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
April 25, 2021



Value 12
Clarity 12
Composition 17
Style 12
Skill 12

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Karin Eibenberger (28) was born and raised in Waidhofen/Ybbs, Lower Austria. She has a Master’s Degree in Scandinavian and German literature and worked as freelance translator, tour and exhibition guide before she started her second career as Biomedical Engineer. Karin currently lives in Baltimore, US, where she works as research associate and Master Student at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

In her private life, she married and has countless hobbies ranging from motorcycling over photography to trekking and backpacking, mountainbiking, traveling, kayaking, and – quite new – climbing. She rather prefers carrying a 30 kg heavy backpack through Alaska than leaving the camera behind. Photography has always been an integral part of her life and for Karin it’s a way to communicate and to show others how beautiful the world is outside their living rooms. With photography, one can address emotions and feelings directly, giving this medium a lot of potential power.

Current Location
Waidhofen, Austria / Baltimore, MD, USA




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