Tag Archive for: Amman
Snowing in Amman, by Bashar Alaeddin
Amman saw a very heavy snow-storm in January 2013 and this is something very rare for us locals. As soon as the snow-storm lifted, I packed my camera and told my friends to drive me around the city, looking for some photo opportunities. This…
Strawberry Tart, by Bashar Alaeddin
Created for my family's boutique cafe and patisserie in Amman, Jordan, I was not briefed to do anything specific. The pastry chef had brought out the strawberry tart and I was asked to "just make something creative". At that moment it clicked…
Medium Steak, by Bashar Alaeddin
I had recently bought a new TS-E 45mm f/2.8 lens and I was told about how effective the tilt-shift could be used for food photography, and they were right. Utilizing the depth-of-field from it, I asked the chef at a restaurant a friend of mine…