Tag Archive for: Andrea Migliari Photography

The Exit Strategy, by Andrea Migliari
Here is one of my favorite subject, urban exploration. I shot this image in an abandoned factory close to Milan. The door was the only way to exit from the building; I was captured by the light of the midday sun that comes through.

Too Dark Park, by Andrea Migliari
This picture has been taken in the middle of the night, I was wondering through the city with no fixed direction. As soon as I stepped into the park I noticed that at that time, 2 am, it assumes a completely different look, almost a sinister…

The Fury of Light, by Andrea Migliari
This image is all about light. The sun was trying to break through the clouds and the rain just stopped. I had the camera with me and I took advantage of the opportunity.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | December 07
Award Score: 60 (Value…