Tag Archive for: Art & Conceptual

Photo of the day 22042012

The Artist and the Onlookers

Artists can color the sky red even though they know it is blue. This is creativity, uniqueness of an artist's perception. Those of us who are not artists must color things as reality or people might think we are stupid, don’t you think? But…

Journey to the Strange New World

Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Let your soul take you where you long to be. Let your spirit start to soar and you will live as you’ve never lived before. Now, have…
Photo of the day 23112011

Life in Death

Death valley, isn’t it in the photo of Anindya Chakraborty? But, does it really look dead? Look at the sun rays and the open heart of the valley. As if, the golden sun is trying to prove his might by uncovering the heart of this death valley…
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