Tag Archive for: Art & Conceptual


Flying Colors

Have you ever noticed that colors have the magical power to turn your mood on or off? Just do a little experiment and you'll know what I'm talking about. The next time when you feel lonely or sad, put on a bright dress, and look at the bright…
Photo of the day 30112010

A Second for a Second Thought

Sometimes we feel like we don’t know what we want, with our life, the time we spend, the people we be with, our relationships. Sometimes it all seems so confusing, like we just lost our focus, feels like life takes a backseat from our mind,…
Photo of the day 15102012 1

It’s about Food and Lyrics

There always something lyrical about a nicely cooked dish. A great dish arouses so many emotions in us that you can actually write a poem or literary note about that. It can be compared to a great poem or song or any other literary works. Close…
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