Tag Archive for: Art & Conceptual

Photo of the day 05112010front

Living in a Box

Don’t we all live in a box, but try to be like Houdini, the escape king? We try to escape all our life, but there is very little chance of success; we are all restrained in the end. Of course we aspire to be as a free spirited bird at times,…
Photo of the day 21052012

Gone with the Wind

This windy day howls and moans, shattering the day. On such a day, all is lost with the wind. Still he remains, but keeps moving. He feels the wind on his face, knowing that it is pushing him away. Exhausted from the struggle, his heart chants…
Photo of the day 26052012

Soul of an Artist

Do you know how to create poetry? Haven’t you at least tried once in your life? Everybody has a hidden desire to write poems; don’t they? Why do people want to write poetry? Is it because man wants to create purity, beauty? And, poetry is…
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