Tag Archive for: Art & Conceptual

Photo of the day 15052012


Have you ever noticed that there are so many things that attract and distract our attention...things in life that consumes us and a lot of our time, energy, and attention? This all leads to tiredness, exhaustion, and people desire peace and…
Photo of the day 30072010

What People would Say

You are in an elevator with your colleague of a different floor, and he doesn’t say hello, would this bother you? You can’t understand why he doesn’t say hello. Has he done something to you, or you to him? May be it’s because he is troubled…
Photo of the day 18072010

Elusive Silence

How do you want life to be...very calm, peaceful or adventurous? How many times do you want to shut your ears as easily as you can shut your eyes to experience silence completely? And, would you want to do this to feel peace? The world is never…
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