We Believe a Work of Art is Only Great When

It’s Been Discovered, Shared, and Recognized

Sharing any artistic work is an integral part of art. That’s why we not only award and share your photographs on our vast social media but also let you take them to the next level by sharing them personally and asking the people you know to submit reviews. This Estimated Share and Reach page will help you submit those information.

Let Your Voice Count

The world of social media is vast, and it’s not always possible to collect the data if someone individually shares the award in platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest. Once you did, just let us know the link of your share, we will verify and add the score to your awarded photograph’s Share/Reach.

Know How to Share an Award

Before Calculating Your Estimated Award Score

You are always welcome to check the estimated awarded score, but we highly encourage you to know how to share an award first by visiting Sharing with Million page.

Social Share, Reach, and Review

Score Criteria and Points Distribution

The award score given by our international jury of five contains 80 marks, and the remaining 20 marks, mentioned in the table below are based on the social responses, organic reach, and reviews that they received before the announcement date.

Score CriteriaScore PointsScore Criteria
Social Share Score5250 Share
Award Views Score5250 Views
Award Reviews Score550 Reviews
Share Submission Score550 Shared Links

Award Reach and Reviews 
We calculate the Award Reach and Reviews based on a few factors. If you are an active social media user, when you share content, typically, 1 out of 10 people who see it – visit the link. Each visit to your award page counts as views. Besides this, on average, 1 out of 20 people who visit the award leave a review.

Social Share Submission
A social share occurs when someone shares your awarded photograph page on social media. However, as of 2023, except for “Facebook shares,” all social share count is passive, and their likes and shares can only be seen inside those social media platforms.  Please use this page to submit your other social shares information to get them counted for the award.

Social share, share counts, and popularity of a share will not be counted if the share is private, auto generated, manually modified to increase the share count or popularity, reviews are posted from the same IP address, or any bot and like exchange program been used.

Who Can Be the Winner
Typically, photographs that score 70-85 in total have the possibility to become the winner of Photo of the Month, First, Second, and Third-place. This aspect is what makes the equation reachable, especially for the photographs that score more than 60 out of 80 from our jury. Yes, you can become the winner, if you work hard and nurture the social relationship with people that like your work.