The Birds by Adam Foster
This photograph "The Birds" was taken at Lake Rotorua, North Island, New Zealand. I took a wobbly walk out on this wooden dock over Lake Rotorua to get some shots of a cluster of Seagulls. They sat watching fishermen stood neck deep in water casting lines, waiting eagerly for any cast off's.
Punta Insua Lighthouse by Félix Sánchez-Tembleque
Located near the Roman Finis Terrae (Galicia, Northwestern Spain), Punta Insua beach was one of the places most suffering the Prestige oil spill in 2002. I discovered it when going to clean it volunteering, and go back almost every year to photograph.
Homer by Mike Criss
I was leaving Homer, Alaska. one morning after spending the weekend photographing eagles, when I came across this float plane scene....magical.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | July 10r
Photo of the Day Award Category: Artistic Photography