It’s Been a Hard Day’s Night by Orhan Aksel
I took this photo in a southeastern city of Turkey, called Mardin. It is a city from ancient times, established at the skirts of Mesopotamian plain. For taking this photograph I set The camera to rear-curtain-sync for flash. The photograph was taken hand-held with an SB-600 hand-held to its left.

Nikon D700 with a 20mm f/2.8 and SB-600 | Exposure: f/4.5 at 1/25sec | ISO 200
It’s Been A Hard Day’s Night, by Orhan Aksel
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | July 01
Photo of the Day Award Category: Candid Photography
Photograph Location: Mardin | Turkey
Photographer: Orhan Aksel (Istanbul, Turkey) Registered
Orhan Aksel was born in 1961. He is an Industrial and Systems engineer, graduated from University of Florida in ’86 and since then the founder and owner of a high-tech company in Istanbul. He Has been a passionate photography amateur since he was 12, grew up in darkrooms. But recently he decided to step up his photography, hoping that one day he can earn money through this hobby to donate for the education of the needy children of the world. It is still a hobby to him, but just became a philanthropic one. Eventually he wants to shift his carrier more to this direction.
Very powerful. Nice job!
Truly nice picture , textures and light makes magic depth. Hard to belive that people live like in 19th century, lame:P
Very nice and beautiful!
thanks and greetings ben
great capture