Fly Away Home by Natalia Torrealba

I took this picture in a warm evening of July. My mind and heart was filled of deep emotions because my Mom passed away a couple months ago. At that moment of loneliness, I remember that the only thing that made me feel close to her it was to take pictures in her favorite place, her garden, where birds and flowers enchanted the day. That afternoon a hummingbird showed up. I could say that I “felt” my Mom saying “Hi little one! Go and spread love and peace to the world!” An expression that she used to say. It was a gift, a precise moment dedicated for myself. I laid down on my knees slowly and quietly to the grass. I focused on silhouette of the bird and I shoot its unpredictable fly. I wanted to capture the meaning of its presence in my heart, instead of details of its unique beauty. Today, I look at the picture and it means a lot to me, almost like a prayer.

Photo of the Day - February 01
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | February 01
Award Score: 75 (Value 13.5, Clarity 14, Composition 19, Style 14, Skill 14.5)

Title of the photograph: Fly away Home
Photo of the Day Award Category: Artistic Photography
Photograph Location: Coro | Venezuela

Photographer: Natalia Torrealba ( Coro, Venezuela )
Natalia Torrealba is a person who loves art, design and photography. Her favorite words: respect, integrity and professionalism. In the past, she had the responsibility to be the Associate Director of a Museum of Visual Arts, and the Graphics Coordinator in a publishing company where she was exposed to a number of demanding responsibilities. Presently, She is working as an independent photographer. Her education in Art and Photography has allowed her to build technical as well as creative concepts when developing a strong message for particular audiences. For Natalia, being a professional doesn’t mean to have it all. It means being a better observer in life, where her knowledge and confidence play an important role in her own decisions.


17 replies
  1. Becky Beville
    Becky Beville says:

    This is a wonderful photo, and a very touching story to go with it. You described your emotions so well, that I could imagine you in the scene. What a wonderful tribute to your Mother.

  2. karla vaillancourt
    karla vaillancourt says:

    my dear natalia
    what a wonderful way to “be” wth your mom and feel her very presence. I was so touched by your words. The photo is stunning.
    Hummingbirds are very special birds…though tiny in size they can make a garden come alive.
    Take care my friend. You are thought of often.
    Much love,

  3. Fletcher Ross
    Fletcher Ross says:

    Not only did you capture the beauty of nature but the exposure and depth of field helped capture the mood of the moment.

  4. Elise Orter
    Elise Orter says:

    What an outstanding composition. You offer a wonderful and private perspective. Truly an artists vision.

  5. Cynthia Klivecka
    Cynthia Klivecka says:

    Oh, my god. This is the most beautiful picture I have EVER seen! The coloring, the mood — I would want this in my home hanging on a wall to look at every day!! Just looking at it makes me feel great!

  6. S Padilla II
    S Padilla II says:

    Yes, these birds are very difficult to image! You have done a fantastic job in doing so . . . GREAT CAPTURE!

  7. Nicholas Goglucci
    Nicholas Goglucci says:

    That is one of the most awesome pictures I have ever had the pleasure of viewing. The spectacular beauty of nature was captured forever.


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