Old Man of the Lane, by James Brown
As I am semi-retired I have plenty of time to wander the back roads and country lanes in search of photographic subjects. Often I find myself returning to this quiet lane to photograph the seasons and the majestic old shade trees that line the dusty road. I waited for just the right weather and light to capture this photo of the old man of the lane.

Nikon D700, F2.5, 1/4000 sec., ISO 200, Spot Metering, Exposure Comp. -1 step, Lens Nikkor 50 mm. 1.4, Aperture Priority
Old Man of the Lane, by James Brown
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | February 04
Photo of the Day Award Category: Nature Photography
Photograph Location: Ontario | Canada
Photographer: James L. Brown (Petrolia, Ontario, Canada) Registered
James L. Brown is a neophyte, mostly self taught photographer that strives to bring out the beauty in simple things and subjects. Although he really likes gear, he believes vision is what really matters in photography. He hopes some day to use my photography to help those less fortunate in this world. He is always looking for new members for his KIVA Photographerfriends lending team http://www.kiva.org/team/photographerfriends
Portfolio: www.Flickr.com/photos/jimmybrown
Redbubble: http://jumpinjimmyjava.redbubble.com/
Twitter: http://Twitter.com/jumpinjimmyjava/
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