Curvy Tea, by Greg Goodman
While backpacking through Malaysia, I managed to break the world’s largest flower, get a self-diagnosed case of swine flu and take a tour BOH Tea Plantation in Tana Rata. With a sea of green tea fields and spots of workers’ heads stretching…
Raindrops Keep Falling, by Venkataramesh Kommoju
This photo shows the water droplets on top of a Mercedes Benz. We stopped for gas on on our way to home and saw this freeze moment of time for few seconds. I always loved the reflections from water drops and that has been the concentration here.
Panel, by Chris Horner
This is an elevator call panel from Michigan Central Station - arguably the most famous urban ruin in Detroit. Time and taggers have taken their toll on this beautiful building. Here, the setting sun was reflecting onto this surface, hghlighting…