Raindrops Keep Falling, by Venkataramesh Kommoju
This photo shows the water droplets on top of a Mercedes Benz. We stopped for gas on on our way to home and saw this freeze moment of time for few seconds. I always loved the reflections from water drops and that has been the concentration here.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | November 10
Photo of the Day Award Category: Motion Photography
Photograph Location: Arizona | The United States
Photographer: Venkataramesh Kommoju (Hyderabad, India) Registered
Venkataramesh Kommoju is a software engineer, who is really interested in Photography. Though he does photography for his happiness, He is inching towards wildlife and Macro photography. He also loves traveling.
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/people/venkatarameshkommoju/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/venkataramesh.kommoju
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