Seasonal Cowboys, by Shahnaz Parvin
Festival of Sacrifice" or "Greater Eid" is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide. And before that day in Bangladesh our children wait for the cow, they like to walk like cowboys with the cows from haat (cow market) to…

Kambala, a Village Sports, by Achintya Guchhait
This photo is taken at a remote village called Vandar, near Udupi, India. Kambala as the sports is called, involves the best pairs of buffaloes and the fittest of farmers of the neighboring villages. They are run over a prepared muddy field/track.…

Red Deer, by Karin Eibenberger
Red Deer can commonly be seen in Austria, but this moment was really fantastic. We were hiking through a dark, wet, hibernal wood in Styria, Austria, when we saw a family of Red Deer searching for food. We came very close to them before they…