East Flores Mountain Layers by Ismawan Ismail
If you visit East Flores of Indonesia, one of the main attractions there is definitely Mount Kelimutu with its three crater lakes. Go to the Moni village, 50 kilometers Northeast of the city of Ende, climb the Kelimutu peak at sunrise time, and you will find the beautiful view of Kelimutu peak, the crater lakes with their three different colors, and the scenery of the Kelimutu National Park. But that’s not all. When you are at the peak of Kelimutu, turn your viewpoint to the east. The beautiful view of mountain layers, surrounded by the mist, is waiting for you.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | June 08
Award Score: 74 (Value 13.5, Clarity 14.5, Composition 18.5, Style 13, Skill 14.5)
Photo of the Day Award Category: Landscape Photography
Photograph Location: Flores, East Nusa Tenggara | Indonesia
Photographer: Ismawan Arief Ismail (Kuala Kencana, Papua, Indonesia) Registered
Ismawan Ismail born in 1972 and started to take pictures using pocket camera since his high-school days. An IT executive at a mining company located in Papua, Indonesia that started his IT career from a computer hobbyist, he is hoping that someday photography can also be another hobby-to-career move for him, as he already started taking photo assignments and selling stock photos.
Portfolio: http://izzy04.multiply.com/photos
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ismawanismail
Twitter: http://twitter.com/izzy004
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