Soul Searching, by Jim Alonzo
As the country’s grand mosque, the Sheikh Zayed Grand Masjid is the key place for Friday and Eid prayers. It is the largest mosque in the U.A.E. and the numbers during Eid can be more than forty thousand people. The main prayer hall can accommodate over 7,000 people, with two smaller prayer halls, with a 1,500 capacity each for women.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | May 20
Photo of the Day Award Category: Spiritual Photography
Photograph Location: Abu Dhabi | United Arab Emirates
Photographer: Jim Alonzo (Sharjah, United Arab Emirates)
Jim Alonzo is a coffee-addicted Interior Designer, who loves photography and potato chips. When Jim had his first Instamatic camera (Olympus) in college, he never knew that it is going to be one of his passion. He set up a small studio and took pictures of his sisters and when he saw the photos he had taken, he said to himself “I think I’m loving this.” It’s been a year since he bought his own DSLR. His favorite subjects to photograph are kids and landscapes. he got no formal training, but he believes that, maybe someday he will have the chance to meet the famous photographers around the world and have the chance to work with them.
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