The Key of Hope, by Yousef Deeb
I met this elderly man in al Shate'a Camp in Gaza, where I went on a tour to build some documentary project. As you can see, he was holding a key, this key belongs to 1948. He claimed that it is the key of his house, which had been extorted…

The sun was here! by Zahraa Al Hassani
I came across this nice place when I was heading to the top of two mountains where a lake is lies between them. According to my first plan, I wanted to go to the place named Sartak, but I pulled over and spend more than 4 hours watching this…

Amid the Lights by Nirupam Roy
In fact it was completely a barren day to our venture to find out my fav Alcedo Athis, The Common Kingfisher. Actually the month December to March is the perfect time to make photo of them, yet were trying to trace them. We found but the little…