Plumbeous Water Redstart, by Saniar Rahman Rahul
This photograph of Plumbeous Water Redstart was taken in Thimphu, Bhutan. These birds prefer to stay in a place which has fast moving streams with stones, especially streams with higher populations of insects. Seeing this bird fascinated me…

Soul Mirror, by Zahraa Al Hassani
From this shy and worried smile far away to Iraqi remote village that lies in High Mountain near Sulimanyia, Kurdistan, surrounded by green fields and breathtaking views I found this little girl, who was so outgoing and she attempted to show…

Around Bodh Gaya, by Ryszard Wierzbicki
The photograph was taken near Bodh Gaya, India in July 2011. Being in holy place of Bodh Gaya I decided to visit a cave in the mountain nearby the town where Buddha spent 6 years on meditation. Heading to the place with my friend Larry we were…