Float like a Lily Flower, by Shahnaz Parvin
Do you know how beautiful monsoon could be? Here in Bengal it’s our life giver, majestic in every sense, we born to be with it, to get drenched in the rain. I always wanted to write on rain, but for that I am in need of rainy photographs.…

Your Gateway to Marvels, by Zahraa Al Hassani
From this uplifting verse of Holy Quran to the gateway of marvels, there are only two words in Arabic to achieve you mission, "Wa Bashshiri Aş-Şābirīn" – so trust in the reward of Allah, it is your happiness access key, and it is the mystery…

Horses of Kutla, by Shikchit Khanal
In the small village of Kutla, Paravati Valley, India live a small family with wild horses. The horses grazed freely in this beautiful place. I was amazed to see their peaceful nature walking alongside an old man whom unfortunately I did not…