Pensive Little Darling, by Shikchit Khanal
I took this photo in Dhapcha, Nepal just an hours walk from Namo Buddha. I saw this baby looking out the window with this pondering expression on his face. He smiled at me and was continue thinking.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | September…

Opposites Attract, by Nilla Palmer
The world's largest salt flat at 10,582 sq kilometers (elevation of 3,656 meters above sea level) is located near the crest of the Andes. In July last year, an abundance of snow from the Andes melted down and covered this stunning expansive…

Observing People, by Ryszard Wierzbicki
This photograph was taken in Pune in India in July 2011. The shooting was made in a Hindu temple, where I spoted an old woman who was sitting on a ground and observing people.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | September 03
Award Score: 66…