Colors We Need, by Shahnaz Parvin
In this critical moment of Bangladesh, we need lots of colors beside just red and green. We need yellow for joy, happiness, intellect, and energy. We need a bright sunshine that yellow represents, to overcome the darkness of our politics. We…

Innovation of a Chef’s Mind by Avi Chatterjee
You can make a very simple beef Steak, or you can make it juicy, grilled with sauce of garlic, chilli, tomato, and mushroom, then served with potato chips. It’s an Innovation of a Chef’s Mind, a creative one indeed.
Award Winner: Photo…

Castle of Egil in Diyarbakir, by Mehmet Masum
Egil castle was built in Assyrian times in 5000 BC. It had an interesting structure. It was surrounded by walls which have partially survived until today. Egil is a town in the county of Diyarbakir in region of Kurdistan in Turkey.