Simply Impressed, by Jana Z
A little boy was observing a girl from a distance, when suddenly the girl runs down the stairs towards him to take a photo of her parents back up the stairs. The boy stands up and seems to be unable to do anything but open his mouth and stare at the girl, impressed.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | July 20
Award Score: 62 (Value 11, Clarity 12, Composition 15, Style 12, Skill 12)
Photo of the Day Award Category: Street Photography
Photograph Location: Tuscany | Italy
Photographer: Jana Z (Geneva, Switzerland) Registered
Jana Z began flirting with photography in 2010 when she realized that taking trips and walks are much more interesting with a camera in her hands. She had moved from Slovenia to Switzerland, and wanted to capture all the new landscape, nature and people that she had been meeting. Jana started with an Olympus e420, but later adopted a new pet, Nikon D700. She also loves playing the piano, traveling, learning new languages and baking.
That looks haha lol