The Daily Train Riders, by Ashik Masud

In Bangladesh, due to the huge population you can often see an inadequate number of seats on the local trains. Some people are forced to borrow a ride now and then. They are so poor that they cannot buy ticket. They ride on the roof top, as well as between the carriages of train. They even seat in floor between two carriages, canteen, and beside door area, almost everywhere.

The Daily Train Riders, by Ashik Masud

Nikon D90 with Sigma 10-20mm | Exposure 1/30s @ f/4 | ISO 560 | Focal Length 10mm
The Daily Train Riders, by Ashik Masud

Award Winner: Photo of the Day | July 26
Award Score: 67 (Value 12, Clarity 12.5, Composition 17.5, Style 12.5, Skill 12.5)
Photo of the Day Award Category: Documentary Photography
Photograph Location: Agaro Shindu Train, Dhaka to Kishoreganj | Bangladesh

Photographer: Ashik Masud (Dhaka, Bangladesh) Registered
Ashik Masud is a passionate shutter bug, lives in Dhaka, Bangladesh, specializing in people with a style consisting of colorful and energetic imagery. Ashik mostly loves documentary photography, and loves to represent his country through his viewfinder. In professional life, he is an IT Professional. He likes to photograph people in their interaction with the world surrounding them and think photography is a wonderful medium to connect with people with respect and discover their cultures. He is a self-taught, and believes the best way to learn is to just do it.


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