Strawberry Tart, by Bashar Alaeddin
Created for my family's boutique cafe and patisserie in Amman, Jordan, I was not briefed to do anything specific. The pastry chef had brought out the strawberry tart and I was asked to "just make something creative". At that moment it clicked…
An Italian Restaurant, by Oscar Garcia
I went to Piacenza, Italy for a two day business trip, and found this nice Italian restaurant in where the chicken with olive oil, and the spaghetti were fantastic! the daylight was about to expire, and there was this thunder storm approaching…
Supplication for Grace, by Karan Zadoo
Traditional folk play from Kashmir. The word bhand owes its origin either to a humorous play categorized in the Natyasastra as bhan, or to bhand (comic actor). Pather (or Pathar) comes from patra (character). The agricultural and largely the…