A Ride Back Home, by Yasef Imroze
Happiness is retrospective. It is a cup of steaming tea, it is the warmth radiates from innocent smiles, it is the exchange of awkward hellos from an old lover. Happiness is going back to where you started on a train ride; going back home.

The Snake on the Branch, by Saniar Rahman Rahul
Were you scared when the snake was coming towards you? A typical first question that I often get when people see this photograph. Well, who wouldn't be scared in such position? Though using a 300 mm lens gave some space between us, but standing…

Faith, by Yasef Imroze
I took this photo at Kamalapur railway station in Dhaka. I was wondering about with my camera and then I found this man praying Namaz on the station platform. I was astonished to see that the crowded platform did not stop this man from remembering…