Golden River under a Texan Bridge, by Oscar Garcia
During my party over the steamboat I was able to capture this magnificent sunset with the sun getting trapped in the majestic bridge named Fred Hartman. I thought the water had turned into a golden river.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day…

Willow Catkins, by Lothar Seifert
Sun was shining, and days became longer. We discovered the first new life in terms of small wild bees and willow catkins. The catkins are protected. The plants are very important for the environment. You can see that in my picture. Bees and…

Karnaphuli River, by Saniar Rahman Rahul
This photograph was taken from one of the ends of Karnaphuli River. Not very far from here the Kaptai Dam is located. On the other side of the Dam is the Kaptai Lake, which acts as the water reservoir for the hydropower station.