Hope for Better Life, by Soumya Geetha
Many times photography has thought me things that I never have learnt in school. The reality is bitter than imagination. I saw hardworking soul in him, hoping for better future, hoping to not to sleep empty stomach, and hoping to lead a better…

Monkhood, by Ryszard Wierzbicki
Photograph was taken in Amarapura monastery near the U Bein Bridge in Myanmar during my trip in March 2012. Young Monks wanted to photograph in a traditional monk’s robes.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | September 12
Award Score:…

Definition of Perfection, by Soumya Geetha
This picture was taken at Pottery town, a very famous area for the pottery work in Bangalore. There you can get anything from everything. Once I arranged a photo walk with my fellow photographer mates around 6:30 AM in the morning. It was Sunday,…