Spring Lily, by Tisha Clinkenbeard
Who can resist a beautiful spring lily with the beauty of the pollen, or what I call “pixy dust” still on the flower? Each spring I love their blooms and the brightness of the inner colors contrasted against the dark petals.

Drying Cloths in Ta Van, by Ryszard Wierzbicki
This picture was taken in Ta Van village in Sapa area, Vietnam in April 2014. Once there, you can experience extraordinary views as well as local activities and customs. The colorful clothing in contradiction to the breathtaking views in the…

Fun Sledding in the Snow, by Tisha Clinkenbeard
After an unexpected snow storm left our rural Texas home with a foot of snow we took the opportunity to do as most other country folk were doing - sledding behind our truck. Our son, pictured here, had found an old plastic office mat, tied some…