The Empire State Building, by Rodrigo Luft
While travelling to New York City, I was walking around the Manhattan and came in front of the Empire State Building through 5th Avenue. Standing there, I took this shot from the other side of the street with a wide angle lens.

Holding the Moon in Her Hands, by Tisha Clinkenbeard
During the super moon of March 19, 2011, I stood in our driveway to take photos of the brilliant moon against the backdrop of the still-leafless trees. Each snap of the shutter gave me a different view of the branches as they seemed to hold…

On the Road, by Rodrigo Luft
I took this photograph from a double-decker bus while traveling from Las Vegas to Yosemite on 2008. This desert is awesome and very beautiful with impressive landscapes. I had to clean lots of dirt from the windshield to get a clear view.