Playground Pixie, by Sean Lowcay
My son, Ethan is ball of compressed energy. That energy explodes out of him whenever he gets to a playground. Like most fast moving, boisterous, small boys he can be extremely difficult to get a good photo of. Over the years I have developed an instinct for when to raise my camera and be ready to capture this little pixie’s antics. This is one of my favorite photos of him.

Nikon D90 | Exposure 1/200sec @ f/7.1 | ISO 200 | Focal Length 18mm
Playground Pixie, by Sean Lowcay
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | May 26
Award Score: 62 (Value 12, Clarity 12, Composition 15, Style 12, Skill 11)
Photo of the Day Award Category: Portraiture Photography
Photograph Location: Singapore
Photographer: Sean Lowcay (Singapore) Registered
New Zealand born and raised, Sean Lowcay moved to Singapore in 2006 and has been photographing the wonderful people and places of Asia ever since. His passion for photography was ignited as a child, by the gift of an Instamatic camera from his mother, which he promptly started pointing at everyone and everything – a bad habit which he continues to this day, though the equipment has had an update. Sean pursues his street, portrait and fashion based photography with a dreamy, enigmatic style, creating works of beauty and mystery – which, happily, some have found to be of commercial use. He finds creative inspiration in classic movies and in the faces of the people he photographs.
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