Sun Bursts, by Laria Saunders
I was in the Los Angeles Arboretum which I highly recommend visiting. These flowers were actually at the entrance to the park and caught my eye because of the explosion of beauty they created.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | November 27

Shadow Face, by Nazmul Shanji
I photographed this bird in my recent birding trip to Panchagar. This was the first time that I spent almost 15 minutes for getting the crest shot of this bird. I was surprised that within 15 minutes it fave me the shot with light and shadow.

Unlikely Visitor, by Laria Saunders
I was on the Santa Monica beach in Los Angeles at sunset and saw this unlikely visitor. I had never seen what I believe is a Cormorant on these LA beaches and there were no others around, so I was quite excited to try and capture this sweet…