Water Art, by Dawid Theron
This photograph was taken near the bottom of a waterfall where a shallow part of the water stream was flowing over some rocks and green plants. The combination of water flowing and the colours and textures in this photograph created the artistic…

Nehru Boat Race, by Achintya Guchhait
I took this photograph of coordinated steps of a team from Nehru Boat Race 2014 at Alappuzha, Kerala, India.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | October 21
Award Score: 68 (Value 12, Clarity 12, Composition 18, Style 12, Skill 12)

Autumn Vineyards, by Dawid Theron
The colors and textures of the vineyards and the lines of the trellises dragging my eyes into the scene, grabbed my attention.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | October 20
Award Score: 66 (Value 12, Clarity 12, Composition 17.5, Style…