A Scarlet Ladybug, by Bawar Mohammad
A scarlet ladybug with small black spots is the most common screen in the city of Duhok, at the beginning of spring season almost everywhere.

Canon EOS 500d with 70-200mm | Exposure f/5.6 @ 1/60sec | Focal Length 200mm | ISO 100
A Scarlet Ladybug, by Bawar Mohammad
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | July 07
Award Score: 67 (Value 12, Clarity 13, Composition 18, Style 12, Skill 12)
Photo of the Day Award Category: Close-Up Photography
Photograph Location: Duhok | Iraq
Photographer: Bawar Mohammad (Duhok, Iraq) Registered
A computer graduate from the University of Duhok, Bawar Mohammad was born in 1985, in the city of Duhok, Kurdistan. He has been working in the directorate-general of culture and arts of Duhok, and currently working as a journalist and a freelance photographer in Kurdistan and Dewe. To him photography is his life. He started his show on life, nature, people, and arts, in Kurdistan and elsewhere. Bawar hopes he can work with people different parts of the world and show nation’s art to the whole world.
Website: https://youpic.com/photographer/BawarMohammad/
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bawarmohammad/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Bawar.Mohammad
500px: http://500px.com/bawer_chelki
Glad you got this shot in decent light.
Excellent capture!
Very excellent macro
Great details and colors!
Very nice shot!
I love Ladybugs
This is very nice…
Very nice framing…
Beautiful macro.