The Green Frog, by Bawar Mohammad
You can often locate green frogs in the gardens of the town of Deralok located in Duhok city in Kurdistan, Iraq.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | June 18
Award Score: 63 (Value 11, Clarity 11, Composition 17, Style 11, Skill 12)

The Kingfisher, by Shirren Lim
On a recent trip back to Penang Island, I decided to spend some time with some long exposure sessions. This being one of my favorites in the series.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | June 17
Award Score: 63 (Value 12, Clarity 11, Composition…

Coming Through, by Simran Nanwani
A daily scene from our local market in Glodok area where buyers and sellers commute going about their daily routine. This area is the "Chinatown" of Jakarta and it portrays the average street life in one of our markets. The shot was captured…