The Green Frog, by Bawar Mohammad
You can often locate green frogs in the gardens of the town of Deralok located in Duhok city in Kurdistan, Iraq.

FujiFilm X30 | Exposure f/11 @ 1/80 | Focal Length 7.1 mm | ISO 100
The Green Frog, by Bawar Mohammad
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | June 18
Award Score: 63 (Value 11, Clarity 11, Composition 17, Style 11, Skill 12)
Photo of the Day Award Category: Wildlife Photography
Photograph Location: Deralok, Duhok | Iraq
Photographer: Bawar Mohammad (Duhok, Iraq) Registered
A computer graduate from the University of Duhok, Bawar Mohammad was born in 1985, in the city of Duhok, Kurdistan. He has been working in the directorate-general of culture and arts of Duhok, and currently working as a journalist and a freelance photographer in Kurdistan and Dewe. To him photography is his life. He started his show on life, nature, people, and arts, in Kurdistan and elsewhere. Bawar hopes he can work with people different parts of the world and show nation’s art to the whole world.
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