The Moon Jelly, by Ann Arthur
Scientifically named as Aurelia Aurita. Easily identified by their four moons' in the middle which are, their reproductive organs. Amazed by their colorful features. Although moon jellyfish are typically translucent white, but it may take…

Fishermen’s Livelihood, by Tanmoy Saha
I took this photo at Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, in the evening, when the fishermen were getting back from the Bay of Bengal with the fishes to earn their livelihood.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | May 24
Award Score: 66 (Value 12, Clarity…

Shadowy, by Nirupam Roy
It was my previous tour to the sea, in New Digha in WestBengal. The first day was a failure as the sky was overcast. On the next day, we went to Udaypur sea-beach and stayed there from 4:15 a.m for the fishermen. Perhaps it was 4:50 a.m. and…