The Cambodian Boy, by Ryszard Wierzbicki
I photographed this Cambodian boy in Siem Reap area, Cambodia, in August 2014 during sightseeing local villages.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | November 30
Award Score: 58 (Value 11, Clarity 11, Composition 15, Style 11, Skill 10)
Street Art, by Ahmad Jaa
Penang is famous for its heritage and also the street arts and so are many other places in Malaysia. This wall art was done by artist Ernest Zacharevic for the George Town Festival 2012 known as the Mirrors George Town Project. Thumbs up for…
Azores Tea Farm, by Hugo Baptista
After having had a round tour inside a working tea factory I stepped outside early to enjoy a cup of green tea that I had just poured. Upon stepping outside I realized how much better this was than any tea commercial I've ever seen.