Sun-Day, by Kamal Mostofi

I walked towards restaurant to get a snack, and my eyes caught on this yellow flowers that the sun was shining from the back of it. I was amazed the way light was spreading across the flower and creating a shadow on each petal. The speed of calculating the setting in your camera is the key of capturing the moment and also to create something dramatic or artistic.

Sun-Day, by Kamal Mostofi

Award Winner: Photo of the Day | April 29
Award Score: 66 (Value 12, Clarity 12, Composition 18, Style 12, Skill 12)
Photo of the Day Award Category: Color Photography
Photograph Location: Kew Gardens, London | The United Kingdom

Photographer: Kamal Mostofi (London, United Kingdom) Registered
Born in Tehran, Kamal Mostofi moved to London in 1988. His graduted as a software engineer. He knew there was something missing in his life and were looking to find his path. In summer 2011, he decided to pick his camera and take his vision to another level. Kamal opened his studio in 2013 near Central London. He found himself as people’s photographer and soon became specialised in portrait, beauty and fashion. However, he never limited his vision and keen to expand his skills further. He has won multi-awards nationally and internatioinally and received the photographer of the year award 2015 from the Guild of Photographer Society.

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1 reply
  1. Ola Cedell
    Ola Cedell says:

    Backlit Easter lily, we celebrated estern last weekend, I like how the yellow color comes acress when backlit and how the structurs in the leaf are reveild. The photo has a good separation to the dark backround no distractions.


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