Annapurna South, by Ryszard Wierzbicki
The view of the Himalayas range during trekking are breathtaking. One of the popular trails is Annapurna Circuit, and this is Annapurna South - a mountain in the Annapurna range of the Himalayas, and the 101st-highest mountain in the world.…

The Boatman from Pokhara, by Shirren Lim
I woke up early one morning and went down to the lake hoping to see what interesting things might come up for the day. I met this lone boatman and started chatting with him. As it dawned misty and cold, not many people yet were at the lake.…

A Rower at the Floating Village, by Ryszard Wierzbicki
When visiting Myanmar, it is a must to see Inle Lake area. This outstanding place is famous of its rare rowing style. Rowers are operating paddles by making circulating moves with their legs wrapped around them at the rear of the boat.