Chin Tribe, by Shirren Lim
I was fascinated by the tattoo-ed women of Chin and set off to visit them in Myanmar. I met this lady , one of the last remaining nose flute players. I have seen her picture on the internet prior to my visit. We spent a good half an hour getting…

Red-wattled Lapwing, by Saniar Rahman Rahul
Usually seen in pairs, this Red-wattled Lapwing has red fleshy wattle in front of each eye, black-tipped red bill, and the long yellow legs. In flight, one can notice the prominent white wing bars, formed by the white on the secondary coverts.…

Old Woman of Tibet, by Shirren Lim
Oh I remember this old woman well. We made a pit-stop in one of the smaller town for lunch. I cant remember the name of the small town now. I noticed her sitting by the door on her own and thought what a lonely figure she cut. After lunch and…