Butterfly Resting, by Des Brownlie

Walking along the High Line, one of my favorite locations for taking photographs all year round. Every day brings another photo op as it is always different. There is so much going on you never know what you will see. As I was strolling along I noticed this butterfly flying around, so I waited till it landed on the flower and took this picture of it resting using my camera and manual lens. I managed to catch it just before it flew away.

Butterfly Resting, by Des Brownlie

Award Winner: Photo of the Day | March 10
Award Score: 61 (Value 11, Clarity 11, Composition 16, Style 12, Skill 11)
Photo of the Day Award Category: Close-Up Photography
Photograph Location: High Line Park, New York City, New York, The United States

Photographer: Des Brownlie (New York, USA) Registered
Originally, from the City of Glasgow in Scotland, Des Brownlie moved to New York City 18 years ago; never looking back. He lives in Manhattan and enjoys walking about the city with his camera in hand, taking photos of everything from the ordinary to the extraordinary that makes up New York City. He believes every day is a potential photo shoot with so much color and variety of subjects in the city that he always likes to have a camera on hand as you never know what you might come upon.

Website: http://www.DesBrownlie.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DesBPhotos
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/desbphotos/
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/desbphotos

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