You’ve Got Mail, by Andrea Migliari
Urban exploration is one of my favorite subject and as I saw those post boxes I couldn't resist and I composed this image. I like the three dominant colors, and the spider web all around them.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | November…

A Beautiful Umbrella, by Siew Bee Lim
One raining day afternoon, I went to this place outside a shopping mall to photograph. The open space was empty most of the time, as pedestrians preferred to walk under the shelter. This lady carrying a beautiful umbrella walked from one side…

Choco Walnut Cake, by Bashar Alaeddin
I'm fortunate enough to have a family that own and run a local cafe' in my hometown Amman. And since my main commercial genre and favourite subject is food photography, I have unlimited access to the kitchen and ingredients to play around with…