In a Cloudy Evening, by Liton Chowdhury
I took this photograph at the sea beach of Digha, West Bengal, Kolkata, in a cloudy evening. The most attractive thing to me in this photo is that I like the peaceful and clam moment of the evening.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | November…

The Migratory Pacific Golden Plover, by Saniar Rahman Rahul
This Pacific Golden Plover is a migratory. They spend winters in south Asia and in Australasia. The breeding habitat of Pacific golden plover is the Arctic tundra from northernmost Asia into western Alaska. You can often locate them on the ground…

Six in the Evening, by Siew Bee Lim
One Friday after work I went to Singapore River to photograph. It was nearly six and the clock on the Victoria Theatre & Concert Hall was inviting. This combination in the frame includes part of the Anderson Bridge, which was erected in…