Grater Thick-knee, by Saniar Rahman Rahul
Taken at Sundarbans, a vast forest in the coastal region of the Bay of Bengal, this Grater Thick-knee is a large wader. It is a resident breeder in tropical southern Asia, namely from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. This species…

Having a Nap, by Siew Bee Lim
One Friday after work I went to Singapore River to photograph. This pigeon was having a nap on the old lamp post, and did not fly away when I got much closer. The pigeon is like part of the lamp post in my frame. It is joyful to capture such…

Grey Headed WoodPecker, by Saniar Rahman Rahul
Taken at Sundarbans, a vast forest in the coastal region of the Bay of Bengal, this Grey-headed woodpecker is a Eurasian member of the woodpecker family, Picidae. Its distribution stretches across large parts of the central and Eastern Palaearctic,…