The Value of Money, by Liton Chowdhury
I took the photograph from Varanasi. The place is very well known as a holy place for hindu. I came to know from the person beside the girl that her mom left her in this place six month ago as she was an abnormal child. Now this sadhu and other…

A Market Vendor in Kolkata, by Claudio Bacinello
This photo was taken while on a trip through India, mostly to photograph wildlife in the northeast. However, before heading north, we spent a few days in Kolkata to explore the rich Indian culture and traditions. Of course, we visited several…

Jelly blues, by Rasha Rashad
The aquarium in Toronto was beyond amazing, specially the jelly fish section with an incredible spectrum of colors and luminance. Some were radiant ... I shot this one to explore the gorgeous details of the jelly fish herd in that specific tank.