A Bark of a Pine Tree by Siew Bee Lim

It was one morning in mid of September, 2018. I was at the Chinese and Japanese Gardens with my camera, planning to take some photos. It was early then, and I saw this bark of a pine tree I believe, with some white spots on it in the park. I took a photograph of the bark with the sunlight from the side, setting ISO 200, aperture f/5.6 and shutter 1/160 second.

A Bark of a Pine Tree by Siew Bee Lim

Award Winner: Photo of the Day | November 10
Award Score: 65 (Value 11, Clarity 12, Composition 18, Style 12, Skill 12)
Photo of the Day Award Category: Close-Up Photography
Photograph Location: Singapore

Photographer: Siew Bee Lim (Singapore) Registered
Born in 1965 in Singapore, photography was one of the old hobbies of Siew Bee Lim. Now she would like to learn it formally via Light & Composition platform as she believes it’s not too late. Since primary school she is not good in drawing; she doesn’t have artistic hand that some of her classmates have. Nonetheless, she likes reading since young, and would try to appreciate Chinese paintings. Few years after she started working as a Programmer, she took up photography as a hobby. She attended a short course which included a session in the darkroom. In those days, good photographs were dependent on good darkroom skills. It was unlikely that she spent much time in the darkroom. Hence the hobby didn’t last long then. She believes that the present learning experience has a longer way to go.

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/siewbeel2

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