Fantastic Four, by Jabbar Jamil
I rarely shoot silhouettes, but when I tried it few days back: to me, results were awesome. And for sure I’ll be more creative next time. There were more than four people where I was shooting. Keeping the scene candid, I sat there on ground:…
Colourful Spices by Youandi van Riet
I love to explore with different spices in my food. Spices give a lot of taste to your food but also, they look so pretty. It makes me happy to see a lot of color and texture in a picture. I took the picture of these spices on my kitchen table…
The Kite Crew, by Jabbar Jamil
A group of people were flying kites at railway station in Sialkot, during sunset. Even banning the flying kites activity in the city, hasn’t killed their passion. From teenagers to adults, age doesn’t restrict them, all loves flying kites.…