Jetty Ruins by Farhat Memon

As a new drone pilot, struggling with winds at 32 km/hour, this was certainly a challenging shoot. Launching the drone in such wind was nothing short of blind faith that it would return back to me ! I took a whole series of images but couldn’t really see what I was capturing due to the overhead sun and the sand in my eye! So I wrapped up the shoot and loaded the equipment in the car. In the quiet of the car I checked to see what the images looked like and I wasn’t overly pleased and I knew I wouldn’t be happy if I drove away without giving it another shot. So out i was again, battling the wind and sand and launching my new drone on a prayer. This particular image was captured during this second attempt.

Jetty Ruins by Farhat Memon

Canon 5D Mark IV with 16-35 mm | Exposure 3.2 sec @ f/5.0 | ISO 100 | Focal Length 35 mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
August 24, 2019



Value 11
Clarity 11
Composition 18
Style 12.5
Skill 12.5

Award Category
Aerial Photography

Photograph Location
Jurien Bay, Perth, Australia

Born in the city of Mumbai, India, Farhat Memon grew up in Dubai and made her home in Auckland, New Zealand, until recently when she moved to Melbourne, Australia. She works as an Executive Assistant and travels often to other countries.
Farhat is an amateur photographer. She is consumed by wanderlust, loves to travel the world. She loves nature and hiking in mountains. She plans to make landscape and travel photographer her profession and is working towards the same.

Current Location
Melbourne, Australia




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